RefCount v1.0 =========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1997 Magnus Baeck =========================================================================== 1. Purpose 2. Syntax 3. Downloading 4. Notes on distribution =========================================================================== 1. Purpose =========================================================================== RefCount simplifies the task of getting the module reference count for a file stored in the registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs. This can be useful for cleaning up the system. It can also display the complete table of references and optionally delete those values that point to files that do not exist. Full Delphi 2+ source is included. Requires Windows 95 or NT. =========================================================================== 2. Syntax =========================================================================== REFCOUNT.EXE [/CLEAN] {/ALL | ...} is the name of the file you want to get the reference count for. If it specifies a path too, an exact match must be made. If only the name is given, only the filename part of the registry value will be matched and it may result in several matches. You may specify many filenames at the same call. /ALL causes all values/files in the registry key to be displayed. /CLEAN removes all values that point to non-existent files. =========================================================================== 3. Downloading =========================================================================== * RCOUNT10.ZIP (30 KB) from GeoCities, U.S.A. * RCOUNT10.ZIP (30 KB) from Tele2/Swipnet, Sweden. =========================================================================== 4. Notes on distribution =========================================================================== RefCount is freeware and may be freely distributed on any electronic media as long as nothing is charged for it, except for nominal copying costs. If you upload it to an FTP och WWW site or some other service, such as BBSes (which I do encourage), I would appreciate if you'd notify me. The source code may also be modified but the original copyright must still remain (but can of course be accompanied by your own if you do modify the source code). [End of README.TXT]